<< Part 1 Part 3 >>
Your Story is About Your Purpose
A pessimistic story is one you tell yourself trying to avoid something. You might tell yourself that if you take no risks, you won’t feel disappointed. Maybe you tell yourself that taking time away from the office to exercise and take care of your health, or take time away to attend a concert with your partner, or watch a sports event to see your child play, you risk losing your job.
Here’s the thing. Each of us has more than one story we use to justify and excuse ourself, our actions and reactions to life. There are a few for most people, areas that we tell ourself a story about us, about life and about what we expect from ourself, from others and from life. Here is a list of the basic areas you and I tell ourself a story:
- Work / Job / Career / Business
- Family Relationships
- Personal Health, Fitness and Self Care
- Our Happiness, Fulfillment, Joy and Satisfaction
- Our Friends and How we Relate to Them
- Spirituality
- Our Purpose and Mission in Life
Many people justify handling some parts of their life poorly by telling one story, perhaps in their work and another story about, perhaps, their family.
You might say, for example, “My family knows that everything I do is for them. They don’t mind it when I spend extra hours at the office because they know I do it to provide for their needs.”
Meanwhile, the family is dying for your time.
We sometimes assume one thing, in this example, our family understands. But the assumptions we tell in our story very often do not reflect reality.
The family is dying for a connection with you.
Relationship and Connection requires time. If you choose to short change your family relationships (#2 in the list) because you feel compelled to work extra hours (#1 in the list), you automatically force yourself to adjust your story in those areas to accommodate your actions.
Two Amazing Things About Your Story
- It is impossible to use a pessimistic story to achieve something great.
A story, for example, that more hours at work will save you from losing your job might or might not reflect reality. It is a fact that ignoring the other areas, such as family relationships, personal health and fitness, happiness, fulfillment, joy and satisfaction and the other stories of your life will directly impact your ability to perform well on the job you claim to be trying to keep. When the other areas suffer, no work story can ever make up the difference. - You can’t have a great story unless you get your purpose right.
Each area of your life must have a compelling purpose so that you can accomplish what you were created to do in and with your life. Your ultimate purpose is never small. When your purpose is poorly defined, your life bounces along the sea of life like a sailboat on a stormy ocean without a rudder, or with a broken mast. The direction of our life is always better when we have a clear purpose defining our story.
Do you have a system to help you clarify, define and refine your purpose and the story of your life?
Change your story, change your life.
Do you see how important this is?
Looking forward to our next visit.
Byron Watts and LifeShift Academy™ recommend you take a look at LifeShift Academy™ and the systems we developed to help people just like you make significant improvements in and with your life.
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It is not too late to Invest In You! Your relationships and commitments will benefit from a healthier you!
Do you see how important this is?
You are worth it!
- You are good enough.
- You are strong enough.
- You are beautiful enough.
- You are smart enough.
- You ARE enough to do what you were created to do.
- I believe in you.
Byron Watts strongly believes that you and I were created for a special purpose and we are here for a very special reason.
Thank you for being there my friend.
Byron – The Bigger and Better Guy™
P.S. Do you have a system that helps you work through issues in your life?
Stay tuned for more systems that you can use to get to Bigger and Better!
Meanwhile, take a minute and do the following steps:
- Sign up for the Free Action Guide I wrote specially for you.
- Like www.Facebook.com/takethenextbigstep so you’ll get updates on Byron Watts posts
- Like www.Facebook.com/LifeShiftAcademy our newest page where future updates will begin to appear soon!
- Give Byron Watts and LifeShift Academy™ feedback about where you are in your journey: TakeTheNextBigStep@gmail.com Include your biggest question, the one that keeps you up at night, when you write.
We can work on the solution together! - If you’d like to get in touch, contact me at our International Office: 832-592-7853
Every successful person has coaches, mentors and support groups to lead and inspire them to new levels of success. Whatever you do, start making investments in yourself that get you to the Bigger and Better you deserve.
Do you see how much improvement a LifeShift Coach™ can bring to your life?
Bigger and Better. We Can Do It Together™.
P.S. Take a look at the programs and systems listed here. You’re worth it!
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